High Protein Foods >> Breads >> Oat Bran Bread

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Bread, oat bran
1 oz 2.95 g 66.91 11.79 17.6%
1 slice 3.12 g 70.80 12.48 17.6%
100g 10.40 g 236.00 41.60 17.6%
Bread, oat bran, toasted
1 slice 3.08 g 69.93 12.31 17.6%
1 oz 3.23 g 73.43 12.93 17.6%
100g 11.40 g 259.00 45.60 17.6%