High Protein Foods >> Cookies >> Chocolate-Covered Marshmallow Cookies

Number of displayed food(s) - 1

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Cookies, marshmallow, chocolate-coated (includes marshmallow pies)
1 cookie, small (1-3/4" dia x 3/4") 0.51 g 54.73 2.03 3.7%
1 Fudge Mashmallow 1.09 g 117.88 4.38 3.7%
1 oz 1.11 g 119.35 4.43 3.7%
1 pie, marshmallow (3" dia x 3/4") 1.52 g 164.19 6.10 3.7%
100g 3.91 g 421.00 15.63 3.7%