High Protein Foods >> Nuts and Seeds >> Mixed Nuts - Dry Roasted Nuts

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Nuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, with salt added
1 oz 4.87 g 168.40 19.50 11.6%
100g 17.19 g 594.00 68.78 11.6%
1 cup 23.56 g 813.78 94.23 11.6%
Nuts, mixed nuts, dry roasted, with peanuts, without salt added
1 oz 4.87 g 168.40 19.50 11.6%
100g 17.19 g 594.00 68.78 11.6%
1 cup 23.56 g 813.78 94.23 11.6%