High Protein Foods >> Baked Products >> Bagels - Lender's Brand Bagels

Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
LENDER'S Bagel Shop Blueberry Bagels
100g 10.50 g 259.00 42.00 16.2%
1 bagel (4" dia) 10.71 g 264.18 42.84 16.2%
LENDER'S Big'N Crusty Blueberry Bagel
1 serving 7.84 g 214.20 31.36 14.6%
100g 9.22 g 252.00 36.90 14.6%
LENDER'S Premium Refrigerated Blueberry Bagels
1 bagel (3" dia) 8.45 g 208.98 33.79 16.2%
100g 10.43 g 258.00 41.72 16.2%