High Protein Foods >> Fruit >> Cherries - Raw

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Cherries, sour, red, raw
100g 1.00 g 50.00 4.00 8.0%
1 cup, with pits, yields 1.03 g 51.50 4.12 8.0%
1 cup, without pits 1.55 g 77.50 6.20 8.0%
Cherries, sweet, raw
1 cherry 0.07 g 4.28 0.29 6.7%
100g 1.06 g 63.00 4.24 6.7%
1 cup, with pits, yields 1.24 g 73.71 4.96 6.7%
1 cup, without pits 1.54 g 91.35 6.15 6.7%