Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Guava sauce, cooked
100g 0.32 g 36.00 1.28 3.6%
1 cup 0.76 g 85.68 3.05 3.6%
Guavas, common, raw
1 fruit without refuse 0.74 g 45.90 2.95 6.4%
100g 0.82 g 51.00 3.28 6.4%
1 cup 1.35 g 84.15 5.41 6.4%
Guavas, strawberry, raw
1 fruit without refuse 0.03 g 4.14 0.14 3.4%
100g 0.58 g 69.00 2.32 3.4%
1 cup 1.42 g 168.36 5.66 3.4%