Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Lemon peel, raw
1 tsp 0.03 g 0.94 0.12 12.8%
1 tbsp 0.09 g 2.82 0.36 12.8%
100g 1.50 g 47.00 6.00 12.8%
Lemons, raw, with peel
100g 0.76 g 20.00 3.05 15.2%
1 fruit without seeds 0.82 g 21.60 3.29 15.2%
Lemons, raw, without peel
1 wedge or slice (1/8 of one 2-1/8" dia lemon) 0.07 g 2.03 0.27 13.3%
1 fruit (2-1/8" dia) 0.56 g 16.82 2.23 13.3%
1 fruit (2-3/8" dia) 0.81 g 24.36 3.23 13.3%
100g 0.96 g 29.00 3.85 13.3%
1 cup, sections 2.04 g 61.48 8.15 13.3%