High Protein Foods >> Juices >> Passion Fruit Juice

Number of displayed food(s) - 2

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Passion-fruit juice, purple, raw
1 fl oz 0.11 g 15.76 0.44 2.8%
100g 0.36 g 51.00 1.43 2.8%
1 cup 0.88 g 125.97 3.53 2.8%
Passion-fruit juice, yellow, raw
1 fl oz 0.20 g 18.54 0.81 4.4%
100g 0.66 g 60.00 2.62 4.4%
1 cup 1.62 g 148.20 6.48 4.4%