High Protein Foods >> Pastries >> Croissants

Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Croissants, apple
1 oz 2.10 g 72.01 8.39 11.7%
1 croissant, medium 4.22 g 144.78 16.87 11.7%
100g 7.40 g 254.00 29.60 11.7%
Croissants, butter
1 croissant, mini 2.30 g 113.68 9.18 8.1%
1 oz 2.32 g 115.10 9.30 8.1%
1 croissant, small 3.44 g 170.52 13.78 8.1%
1 croissant, medium 4.67 g 231.42 18.70 8.1%
1 croissant, large 5.49 g 272.02 21.98 8.1%
100g 8.20 g 406.00 32.80 8.1%
Croissants, cheese
1 oz 2.61 g 117.37 10.43 8.9%
1 croissant, small 3.86 g 173.88 15.46 8.9%
1 croissant, medium 5.24 g 235.98 20.98 8.9%
1 croissant, large 6.16 g 277.38 24.66 8.9%
100g 9.20 g 414.00 36.80 8.9%