High Protein Foods >> Sweets >> Fruit Leather

Number of displayed food(s) - 3

Serving SizeProteinCaloriesCalories from ProteinPercent of Calories from Protein
Snacks, fruit leather, bars
1 bar 0.41 g 80.73 1.64 2.0%
100g 1.78 g 351.00 7.12 2.0%
Snacks, fruit leather, pieces
1 packet (.75 oz) 0.21 g 73.71 0.84 1.1%
1 package 0.27 g 94.77 1.08 1.1%
1 oz 0.28 g 99.51 1.13 1.1%
100g 1.00 g 351.00 4.00 1.1%
Snacks, fruit leather, rolls
1 small 0.01 g 51.94 0.06 0.1%
1 large 0.02 g 77.91 0.08 0.1%
100g 0.10 g 371.00 0.40 0.1%